It’s Your Move, How You Handle It Is Your Choice. When you are in the flow you feel energized, productive, and alive. Learn how to find that state and obtain well being outside of the formal practice of meditation.

“What is flow? Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi argues that it is a crucial part of human life and happiness. We delve into the phenomenon of flow to see how we can make it more of a part of our lives.”

London Fashion Week Challenges

The biggest challenge in fashion is being my authentic self. Fashion is one pretentious, negative industries when it comes to body shaming and being judged by the clothes you choose to wear.

The biggest challenge you will face hanging around beautiful fashion people, and I am talking only about their external appearances, is how do you be your authentic self?

The way you handle this mentally stem from when you were a kid and how your peers made you feel when it comes to your personal self-worth. At high school, the anxiety and sadness I went through are why when it comes to healing in my adulthood, I find it very hard to forget what my teens did to me many years ago.

Social Media

These days if you put yourself in the spotlight on your social media platforms there will be cyberbullies coming at you. This is not good if you struggle with low self-esteem. For many young person as young adolescents being made fun of on-line or even in the classroom is why fashion is a thought industry to partake in.

London Fashion Week – Work Place Bullying

The very first time I came to a fashion event, I knew that looking good was the key. To stand out from the fashion norms may lead to adult bullying. But I was prepared to be a bystander and not afraid of the exclusion fashion weeks create due to me not being the It Girl.

I noticed that if you want to draw attention to yourself, then you have to wear clothes that display your authentic self.

I am an extrovert at heart and at fashion weeks it’s like being in a classroom the grades that bystanders will give you will soon be clear. on how they create rumors and gossip untruth about who you really are.

Well, the truth is, you can’t balance it. You don’t need to change who you are. Fashion shows are all about showing off. Showing your personal style.

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The emotions that control you at fashion weeks can only be learnt with experience. You have to just go with the flow. Get personal information with how others interventions. I find at fashion weeks there are a lot of behavior problems when it comes to aggressive behavior.

Each day can draw new attention. Each day you meet insecure people or over secure people or damn right rude people. It is a room full of ego people full of pride who are basing their fashion achievement on the way they look and dress.

You have to deal with each person as you feel is right and their reaction to who you are. The only way you can do that is to just be your authentic self.

Just be you

I was bullied by the British Fashion Council for many years. The unfair discrimination towards me is why since 2016 I have never returned to London Fashion Week. I could not be my authentic self. The online harassment during London Fashion week I experienced was a cycle far too big for me to fight back. There are no bullying boundaries at London Fashion  Week when it comes to experiencing humiliation, false rumors that lead to many hurts. There was no empathy by anyone from the British Fashion Council it’s why I got a lawyer in for them to respond.

Ignorance Is Not Bliss

It is very much in the British Culture to ignore bullying behaviour. An excellent current example of British ignorance when it comes to bullying.  Is Meghan Markle ex-royal staff, who has accused the Royal family as an organisation of ignoring their complaints regarding their bullying experiences by Meghan herself? The monarchy is now investigating how it can improve its actions when future staff are being bullied within the Monarchy,

The deliberate aggression from their staff ganging up on me leads me to go into depression

My authentic self and self-worth were crushed.

The guilt and bullying behaviour that the Britsih Fashion Council staff did to me. This is why in fashion, there are many people full of insecurities. I find this very much in the world of fashion. You have to understand that their reactions will lead to conflict one way or another. So there comes a time when you feel that the organisation itself seems to be against you. They just continued to shame me.

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If I could not be me and clearly I was not welcome due to the British Fashion Council workplace bullying traits. I felt rage like I did in middle school because this bullying is so complex. Going to London Fashion Week ended up being a punishment because I could not go with the flow, I was always stepping on eggs shells incase I was behaving wrong. I can’t operate or be creative when I am always in a defense mode.

To be in the flow you need to feel welcome and be yourself. I can only achieve this by the positive interaction with fashion designers or models. I was so tense attending these fashion weeks in case I would be shamed and humiliated again like in the past. The Britsih Fashion Council to this day never showed compassion and sadly within the fashion industry itself, there are no prevention programs to call out organisations within the fashion world.

They are their own rules.

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We like to attend London Fashion Weeks because its an opulent lifestyle platform to dress up.

Are You Being Your Authentic Self?

Well, the truth is, you can’t balance it. You don’t need to change who you are. Fashion shows are all about showing off. Showing your personal style.

Gracie Opulanza peacock eyelashes fashion (2)

I was bullied by the British Fashion Council for many years. For this reason, since 2016 I have never returned to London Fashion Week. I could not be my authentic self.

David Gandy gracie Opulanza interview

I pioneered a new concept of interviewing at London Fashion Week. That is me just going with the flow interviewing

David Gandy.  This was done on the spot unscripted. Everyone loved this new innovative interview style.

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At London Fashion Week I can’t go with the flow or be myself. So I walked away, built my brands stronger. I created a new lifestyle concept where I revied luxury cars and hotels. In this setting, I am my authentic self and can showcase fashion in a lifestyle setting.

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I go with the flow and am the trend of my authentic self.

Don’t be afraid to turn your back on companies that don’t welcome you or make you feel you are good enough.